who the hell am I

Okay, who the heaven am I? I have four books published, and many short stories in the small press. I am well educated in writing, studying it both at the university of Toledo, mostly poetry... Columbia College of Chicago for fiction, NEIU for Anthro with an emphasis on cults, sociology with an emphasis on MILITARY INTELLIGENCE, History and philosophy... I went full time for almost fourteen years. I needed it after my public school education and conviction since early childhood that I was going to be an artist and would never need to know what they were teaching, which filled my tablets with drawings instead of notes. I absolutely refused to do homework, unless it was an art project, or writing. College came as a shock. I learned to write short stories at Columbia College of Chicago, which has an excellent method compromised of a lot parodying writing, mild hypnosis, and going around the room after reading stories to find out which sentences and images the people liked and stood out and came to mind first. The SHORT STORY WORKBOOK is the name of the text that the creator of this school of teaching came up with, and you can just buy the book and do the exercises and save yourself ten grand a semester. They started out in a loft, after this guy came up with a method to make writers organically have beginnings, middle, and ends in their stories. I do not have to think about dramatic arches, they appear, etc. No method of writing other than writing and listening to criticism works for everyone. Thank God for your critics, never how mean, because they are often the only people who can help you get better. I had it easy, the same editor, who was also my lover, and was an English prof and I was a 24 year old freshman... for awhile. Then I was drafted into intelligence work in 2007 and my life has not been the same. I have basically wrote only about those topics for years, and I will write about how my writing has been abused in the first passage. Scroll to it if you wish.

Monday, April 17, 2017

Purily for your Amusement, edification, and to express my views in fiction.

For those who are unfamiliar with me, I invite you to check out my other blogs, or my facebook.  There I have written what I can of my intelligence experiences, and how they changed me.  Taking me from a stoner living by the beach in a hipster neighborhood in Chicago, Roger's Park, the most integrated neighborhood in the most segregated city in the USA,  writing comedy and books after finally finishing a rather epically long, absurdly long, okay... university addiction,  to working in intelligence in various capacities;  primarily as the Christ in a program entitled Operation Bluebeam.  My grandfather, I was told, was the architect of the plan, and since we have Royal Scottish Blood, evidently a lot of people went along with him...  too many people were involved for me to begin to explain and expect all but readers who are involved or extraordinarily free of cognitive dissonance to believe.  I did not want to believe the things  I was told.

I do not wish to dwell on these events in this blog, except in a fictional manner..  I am something of a broken man who can still rise to the occasion roaring and dangerous.  I still have my place in that world though it is quite different than how it started.  By the end of my heaviest involvement in the wars being fought in the USA between various factions and the government, which was on it's knees twice recently... with a sword hanging over it.  Like I said, you would not believe what I know, or the cold hard facts that will inform these stories.   I certainly do not claim to know everything, by far I came away with more questions than answers.... NO ONE would have agreed to do what they made me do, so they tricked me, etc.

The worst of what happened came to others.  I recently saw a drawing someone had done of me, showing a Christ with his arms chopped off at the elbow -- which the CIA evidently did to a lot of people thinking they were part of some nefarious army, then people I worked with took a line about pirate if you have to, about computer programs, to mean raise money for the revolution by pirating, which makes sense... so they had the Christ with a pirate patch.   I drew myself once on a river of blood, making my Christ image look heroic.   Heads were floating by the grotesque river, and the expression on the Christ's face was...  almost non committal.    I DECONSTRUCT this image as  I go along to tell you how my image has been used by the CIA and the elite.   I turned against them when they told me they had a huge genocide ready to go...  I never wanted such a thing, and would have no part of it... so they tried to frame me for mass murder -- remember all those protests and that occupy thing and anonymous all staring around 07... a lot of those peaceful folk were done away with.  Intelligence does not let leaders rise up in areas that are not sanctioned democrat or republican, or that threaten the military industrial complex, whom they consider part of themselves.

I gained a lot of fame with a radio show, comedy, and my blogs were world wide hits, as were my books, though since I came out of operation bluebeam with the voice of  Jesus in my head, a very different one than in the bible, but a surprise to me at the time...  I WAS CLASSICALLY BRAINWASHED FOR THREE DAYS... when this happens, oddly enough, you do not think you are someone else, you just know that you were not the person you thought you were, and begin to try to figure out who you are... which is then reinforced by others, and mine was Jesus.   A lot of people believe this, and many more did before the OTHER people with their own agendas took over... making people do all sorts of things I would never have asked them to do.

The details here are top secret for reason, people would get hurt if I wrote too much, and I am no longer naïve enough to think exposing the government will cause the press to rush in, and blow the story and everyone lives happily ever after...

My short stories were taken various ways by people who believed I was a deity.  Taking my old short stories, and a novel I started in college, were a blueprint for revolution.   They were not consciously meant to be acted out.  A lot of blood was shed because of this.  There is no easy or tactful way to approach this.  The sacrifice of others gave strength to the people they left behind, were incredible testaments to a belief in God rewarded with the joyous after life, and relief from this world of suffering.  This thought is difficult for most who are grieving to understand, their own loss is too great.  I cannot easily relate to what you went thru.  I was stunned I existed and all this weird stuff happened.   Others were stunned to hear of a Christ, some went mad, and when I did not understand why I was being treated so poorly and lashed out angrily all over the place, my actions were taken wrong.   I thought a few spies and media people were watching me  I did not think that people who looked to me for leadership were watching.

I thought I was in some kind of hell.  People who thought I wanted to be filmed and made all this money and was trying to trick them all the time -- most of the time I was not, but I saw no reason no to lie to people who treated me so poorly.   I was loved by this crowd in 07 and was not about to believe they would not be fickle and turn against me again and they did.   I was too dismissive of all of your efforts.

I feel a gratitude that would overwhelm me into tears if I allowed such things anymore.  I know someone else was behind this, used you as they did me, I feel terrible to think I was set up above everyone else, supposed to be an emperor and this and that... and hey, there were times I would have chosen anything other than being a broken man living in Chicago in this strange relationship with his tv that sounded too crazy to talk about, and felt like madness...  I felt danger.  WHAT I DID NOT FEEL WAS THAT ANYONE HAD THE RIGHT TO JUST FILM ME IN MY HOUSE.

Regardless, my actions and the propaganda of others has resulted in my NAME BEING RAPED.  I wish to show that my name is innocent of the crimes they perpetuated, and to help change the world by redistributing the wealth, which pretty much makes me the enemy of oligarchies all over the world, though it is china who has placed me under their blanket of protection.   Spies know who each other are, etc..  and people know more about what I did than I do since they told me only in the vaguest of hints everything.    I was being filmed, so what they said to me, they said to our enemies too.  Weird life that like I say has settled down or I would be able to think of nothing else.\\

I have a short story I am designing and will write when I am alone, until then...

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