who the hell am I

Okay, who the heaven am I? I have four books published, and many short stories in the small press. I am well educated in writing, studying it both at the university of Toledo, mostly poetry... Columbia College of Chicago for fiction, NEIU for Anthro with an emphasis on cults, sociology with an emphasis on MILITARY INTELLIGENCE, History and philosophy... I went full time for almost fourteen years. I needed it after my public school education and conviction since early childhood that I was going to be an artist and would never need to know what they were teaching, which filled my tablets with drawings instead of notes. I absolutely refused to do homework, unless it was an art project, or writing. College came as a shock. I learned to write short stories at Columbia College of Chicago, which has an excellent method compromised of a lot parodying writing, mild hypnosis, and going around the room after reading stories to find out which sentences and images the people liked and stood out and came to mind first. The SHORT STORY WORKBOOK is the name of the text that the creator of this school of teaching came up with, and you can just buy the book and do the exercises and save yourself ten grand a semester. They started out in a loft, after this guy came up with a method to make writers organically have beginnings, middle, and ends in their stories. I do not have to think about dramatic arches, they appear, etc. No method of writing other than writing and listening to criticism works for everyone. Thank God for your critics, never how mean, because they are often the only people who can help you get better. I had it easy, the same editor, who was also my lover, and was an English prof and I was a 24 year old freshman... for awhile. Then I was drafted into intelligence work in 2007 and my life has not been the same. I have basically wrote only about those topics for years, and I will write about how my writing has been abused in the first passage. Scroll to it if you wish.

Friday, August 11, 2017


"Wait, so you are telling me, I start a war on drugs, I get to slap all these druggies in prison and make them work for 12 cents an hour?  You're kidding me... you guys in government make those stock market sharks look like fucking... pansy fish, you know.... or something...  no offense to you stock market people...  well, shit, get this war on drug users going."
"Uh, sir, we will only arrest the poor drug users, of course...."
"Was that not implied in what I said?    Everyone around the table is nodding that yes it was implied.  When the fuck I ever care about the poor?   My daddy taught me a few kkk things that still makes sense.. get that off the fucking record.  Thanks.  Sounds bad.  Some people you can't talk about nothing to.   Like the Bush Nazi's and shit, can't tell people, the poor.... hell, all they understand is a broom in the hall, if that... and they want a fucking union so they can talk to me, I'll fucking do the talking....  anyways,  I need to go golfing for a few weeks, you fucks are doing everything anyways... right?"

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